buenos aires tetra care
Barbs are another kind of cold fish which are easy to care for and are suitable to community aquarium. Bloodfin Tetra can tolerate the mid-sixties temperature. Buenos Aires Tetras are available in standard varieties and albino...

Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra Hemigrammus

"Buenos Aires Tetra : Care and
-10 Buenos Aires Tetras But right now, there is an Oscar in the tank (who I plan to sell). As with all Oscars, I get attached. I kinda want to do just the male Jack and the Oscar in the tank :/ however, I think that could lead to lots of problems :/...
75 Gallon for 1 Oscar only? - Oscarfishlover.com
albino buenos aires tetra. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow, Tanichthys albonubes, was discovered on the White Cloud Mountain in Southern China by Tan, a Boy Scout leader in about 1930. The Generic name, Tanichthys, means Tan's fish and the specific name, albonubes means White Cloud. Extinct in the Wild?... Chlorine or Chloramine is removed. This fish is intolerant of Copper in the water, and great care needs to be exercise if Copper is used for treatments.
buenos aires tetra care
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