More pictures: A photo of a dark blue abstract painting of an Antarctic nature scene. Frances Hatch, The Cold Facts. An image of a painting of seals on Antarctic ice. Hatch is a senior tutor at West Dean College in West Sussex...
of the Antarctic Treaty.
of Antarctica that show
Antarctica mountains, more
Antarctica Facts
Antarctica Facts And Figures
Antarctic Visions
big waves and tricky questions: Read the story and see 7 photos of a visit to Drakes Passage, Antarctica by TravelPod member usupandaway.... competition in the "Great Antarctic Quiz"! Whilst it was heard that the quiz masters were open to bribes, teams of six played fairly as they racked their communal brains for the facts and figures of our last 10 days. Toblerone mini-prizes and beverages kept our sugar levels high.... Post your own travel photos for friends and family More Pictures...
big waves and tricky questions - Drakes Passage, Antarctica Travel ...
Video : Travelling to Antarctica. 12 Abril 2012 — Cristina Cabal. Antarctica is earth's southernmost continent, encompassing the South Pole. The name Antarctica is the Romanised version of the Greek word Antarktik, meaning “opposite to the north” . It is the coldest, driest and... Some interesting facts about this continent are: ♥ There are no native people or... To prove you're a person (not a spam script), type the security word shown in the picture. Click on the picture to hear an audio...
antarctica facts and pictures
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