Friday, 10 June 2011

vanuatu port vila weather forecast

Coolangatta, Australia to Port Vila, Vanuatu: Read the story and see 6 photos of a visit to Port Vila, Vanuatu by TravelPod member harry4123.... I wanted to leave early enough to avoid a night landing at NVVV where the weather was forecast to be poor and the instrument approaches are a little funky (no ILS and the other non-precision approaches have 1000 foot AGL MDA's). ready for take off at... Weather - a low cloud layer and rain as expected but good visibility.

graph port vila vanuatu by
graph port vila vanuatu by

forecast for Port-Vila in
forecast for Port-Vila in

PORT-VILA, Efate, Vanuatu
PORT-VILA, Efate, Vanuatu

PORT-VILA, Efate, Vanuatu
PORT-VILA, Efate, Vanuatu

Now in Port Vila
Now in Port Vila

5.4 PORT-VILA, Efate, Vanuatu
5.4 PORT-VILA, Efate, Vanuatu

Santo to Port Vila…… Dear F&F, September 30 – October 1st, 2011 (Eastern Hemisphere). We left our mooring at Aore Island with a favorable weather report to motor south against the dormant trade winds. We weren't sure how far we'd get, but wanted to try and keep the trip to two days. As such, we ended up going down... After a calm evening at Gaspard Bay we again took advantage of a nice weather opportunity to make Port Vila, Vanuatu's capital. Coming into Port Vila was pretty...
Santo to Port Vila…… @ s/v Beach House

Port Vila. Republic of Vanuatu. Phone: 23866. Fax: 22310. E-mail: VANUATU. METEOROLOGICAL. SERVICES. Tel: 23866. Vanuatu Monthly median rainfall. Monitoring EL Niño. El Niño is monitored using weather... gives an insight on Vanuatu climate outlook for the next 3 months. VANUATU METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES. Visit Vanuatu Meteorological Department website on for more information on. •. Daily weather. •. Rainfall Outlook...
vanuatu port vila weather forecast

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