Wednesday, 8 June 2011

antarctica images animals

Science & Tech (tags: Emperor Penguin Count 600K in Antarctica, Satellite Images Reveal ) Agnes - 1 day ago - There are a lot more black and white birds wobbling around in Antarctica than some might...

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Animals Found In Antarctica

Using high-resolution satellite images to study each of 44 colonies around the coastline of Antarctica, experts said on Friday they put the total emperor penguin population at 595000, or roughly double previous estimates of 270000 to 350000. “It's good news,” team leader... In future, the same technique could also be use to tot up numbers of other wild animals that stand out clearly against their natural habitat, such as flamingos or reindeer. Counting other types of...
Space pictures pick up lots more penguins | Niea Milwaukee 2009 ...

Twice as many emperor penguins live in Antarctica as was previously thought, a satellite mapping study has shown. Scientists used Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite images to estimate the population of each penguin...
antarctica images animals

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