Monday, 9 May 2011

chichen itza ball court game

The ball court at Chichén Itzá is shown above. The earliest Mayan ball courts are in the lowlands—in Belize at Cerros and Colha. These ball courts were constructed after 400 BCE. By 200 CE, the ball game occupied a central...

The ball court at Chichén Itzá
The ball court at Chichén Itzá

The Ball Court at Chichén Itzá
The Ball Court at Chichén Itzá

The Ball Court at Chichén Itzá Personalized Invite by IzzyBly
The Ball Court at Chichén Itzá Personalized Invite by IzzyBly

Great Ballcourt
Great Ballcourt

Ball Court at Chichén Itzá
Ball Court at Chichén Itzá

Ball Court at Chichen Itza
Ball Court at Chichen Itza

Just do me this one favor and do not try to play it, broken bones are all too common, it is tough to get others to play it and most importantly, no one knows the exact rules of the game so things might get a little dicey. Let us start with the ball itself. The ball was... cities would have multiple ball courts ranging in size. Some ball courts had rings attached to the side structures, such as the ball court at Chichen Itza, were the players would try to knock the ball through the rings.
The Mesoamerican Ballgame « ChaosArticulated

We got “Rubbing from the Ball Court”, an image from a granite wall from Chichen Itza depicting a soccer like game where the loser loses his head at the end of the match. Green, Purple & Red foliage was collected from the...
chichen itza ball court game

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