On April 15th I will run the third leg (11.7 km) of the Relay Milano City Marathon. The third is, in my opinion, the most beautiful part of the race, is the one passing in the historical center of Milan. For the first time I will be racing...
milano, citylife
milano city map
Milano City Trip - April 2006
Milano - Piazza del Duomo
Fiera Milano City and Fiera
Milano City Sprints. Today I flew back to Europe for the next set of races. There is a good connection at our hotel here in Switzerland, so it's probably time to get some pictures up from the city sprints in Milano.
Fast Trax Pro Team: Milano City Sprints
Concerti, eventi speciali, workshop, mostre, performance, eventi culturali… e tantissimo altro suddivisi in tre grandi aree: Theatre e City network. FULL PROGRAM HERE! ►. ELITA FESTIVAL elita festival Milano 18-22 Aprile...
milano city
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