Saturday, 9 April 2011

micronesians in hawaii

Matt and I worked on a story this summer about being Micronesian in Hawaii for Honolulu Magazine. It was a pleasure learning about their culture and how different life is on the tropical islands that make up Micronesia.

on Micronesians in Hawaii
on Micronesians in Hawaii

Traditional Micronesian
Traditional Micronesian

Micronesians in Hawaii
Micronesians in Hawaii

Micronesians in Hawai'i,”
Micronesians in Hawai'i,”

Micronesians United has said
Micronesians United has said

Micronesian students, now
Micronesian students, now

The University of the South Pacific herbarium (SUVA) is collaborating with the development of a regional herbaria consortium in partnership with the Department of Botany of the University of Hawaii. The new regional network is funded by the National Science Foundation for 3 years ($1.4 million) and is assisting regional plant collections with digitally photographing and databasing plant and algal collections from the Polynesia-Micronesia biodiversity hotspot region.
University of Hawaii Museum: Fiji Herbarium (Univ. of the South ...

MicSem General Discussion: Micronesians with Aloha! Bottom of Page. 1 to 4 of 4. CommentAuthorPiskor; CommentTimeMar 12th 2012. permalinkReport Post. By Associated Press, Published: March 10. HONOLULU — Hawaii officials said...
micronesians in hawaii

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