stonehenge pictures and facts
The other day, in quite a learned article designed to shoot down the "bluestone glacial transport theory" I came once more upon this idiotic question: "If the glacier carried the bluestones to Stonehenge, how come it carried precisely the right number, so that there ..... I am sure that Brian will offer his own views as to the rationale this particular archaeologist is using to make the facts on the ground suite his Max Bygraves - type "I'm going to tell you a Story, boys and girls".

The builders of Stonehenge

The Stonehenge Scrolls

Stonehenge Fast Facts

Stonehenge Facts,

Stonehenge Facts

Stonehenge Facts and Secrets
When I wonder about the purpose of the southern entrance to Stonehenge, a number of factors immediately come to mind. One is the fact that Stonehenge was a special place, so it was presumably used for special or unusual...
Stonehenge and the Seat of Power
When Salem Hassan led me through the sand dunes and pointed out 'the stones' in the distance, shimmering in the desert haze, I remember thinking 'My god, it's a Yemeni Stonehenge.' There before us... The flakes of stone were, in fact, the result of 'spalling' – the disintegration of former uprights in the harsh saline desert conditions.... From the underground chambers of the Royal Tombs emerged a picture of a civilisation that was at once dazzling and sinister. 1048...
stonehenge pictures and facts
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