Sunday 27 March 2011

malta flag registry

Course Outline. The course aims to give an introductory overview to lawyers, accountants, local representatives of P & I Clubs, local ship agents and students interested in pursuing a career in shipping law, of the various aspects that relate to...

under the Maltese flag.
under the Maltese flag.

under the Malta Flag,
under the Malta Flag,

ship flags if registry.
ship flags if registry.

Why the Malta Flag?
Why the Malta Flag?

The Maltese shipping register,
The Maltese shipping register,

Commercial ship registration
Commercial ship registration

The registration of a ship under the Maltese Flag, provided all the necessary documentation is provided, is a relatively fast and seamless procedure. The ship is first provisionally registered under the Maltese Flag for six months (extendable for...
Malta Ship registration, Procedure on Ship Registration in Malta

Malta has a deeply-entrenched maritime tradition. Over the years, Malta's shipping registry has earned a reputation for efficiency and the Malta Flag, is one.
malta flag registry


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