Friday, 11 March 2011

jerusalem artichoke

Occasionally known as French or Planet artichoke, it's the flower of the plant which is offered in grocery shops. But don't confuse it with all the Jerusalem artichoke, which is really a tuber that grows in North The usa. 1 medium...

or Jerusalem Artichoke
or Jerusalem Artichoke

Steamed Jerusalem Artichokes
Steamed Jerusalem Artichokes

Jerusalem Artichokes
Jerusalem Artichokes

Jerusalem Artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke

Jerusalem Artichoke roots
Jerusalem Artichoke roots

Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers
Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers

One of the many “rules” I've learned while gardening is that Jerusalem artichokes (a.k.a. sunchokes) don't need to be planted. I shouldn't have listened to my neighbor farmer who suggested I grab a couple of tubers from his...
Inside Storey: Jerusalem Artichoke Hunt by Leslie Anne Charles

A delicious creamy and easy to make artichoke soup available on The Food Channel.
jerusalem artichoke

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