benign tumor
Among these 69 patients, there were 43 samples of malignant ovarian tumors, 15 samplesof borderline ovarian tumors and 11 samples of benign ovarian tumors. Besides those 69 patients, there were 10 samples of normal...

benign and malignant tumor

Is a benign tumor inside

Cells grow as benign tumor

Benign tumors

Benign Tumors

Benign Tumors of Fauces and
Methods The expression of p73 and p53 proteins was detected by immunohistochemistry in 54 cases of epithelial ovarian tumors consisting of 8 cases of benign tumors, 12 cases of borderline tumors and 34 cases of...
Expression of p53 and p73 Proteins in Epithelial Ovarian Tumors ...
Althought it is benign tumor, especial hemangioma, it has the characteristics and clinical behavior of the same malignant tumor, which is studied hardly.As a mediator, messenger and regulator, nitric oxide (NO) is a...
benign tumor
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