Monday, 7 February 2011

versailles band teru

Osaka live 2DAYS!! Quite some time since our last band battle! (>_<) During that short time, it was a rich Versailles-like live!!☆ It seems that …... Profile. new. [info] tanbi_no_kami: Teru Versailles: wait A minutes Teru Fanpage...

hizaki. versailles Sep 20
hizaki. versailles Sep 20


Versailles signed a contract
Versailles signed a contract


Kamijo Hizaki Teru Yuki
Kamijo Hizaki Teru Yuki

Happy B-Day HIZAKI!
Happy B-Day HIZAKI!

2012-04-06 02:45:58 Good evening ☆ This evening I went to see HELLYEAH and ANTHRAX at Shibuya O-EAST(>_<) Undoubtably ANTHRAX were great, but personally I think HELLYEAH were the hit☆ HELLYEAH is the band with Vinnie Paul, the brother of Dimebag Darrell! I couldn't hear …... Profile. new. [info] tanbi_no_kami: Teru Versailles: wait A minutes Teru Fanpage...
TERUtranslation - HELLYEAH & ANTHRAX Live!!

Versailles is now a well established band in the visual kei movement (although I'd prefer to classify them as neoclassical/power metal); after their incredibly successful world tour in support of.... marked, at the expanse of those small sorties into harder subgenres of metal that in the preceding releases spiced up some songs improving the album variability, here almost completely absent (it's probably not a coincidence that Teru's songwriting contribution is limited to only one song here).
versailles band teru

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