Tuesday, 22 February 2011

sistine chapel ceiling brain

Take cassette highlight “Sistine Chapel” for example, which sets us off with a driving, pulsing guitar that will only turn around to explode in our faces. Then lead singer Luke Brennan guides us through the foreboding verse,...

“Don't say you don't have
“Don't say you don't have

sketches in Sistine Chapel
sketches in Sistine Chapel

sistine chapel ceiling
sistine chapel ceiling

photo credit Sistene Chapel
photo credit Sistene Chapel

Brain stem hidden in Sistine
Brain stem hidden in Sistine

Brain on the Sistine Chapel?
Brain on the Sistine Chapel?

They believe the brain is dynamic and develops over time by taking advantage of learning opportunities and overcoming adversity. • They offer internal... He ignored his father and marched to his own drum to become an artist; overcame the church's adversity to studying corpses, took the risk of sculpting mangled marble into the world's finest sculpture; and with hard work, dedication and persistence, painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. Posted: Wednesday, April...
Creative Thinking Articles and Techniques by Michael Michalko ...

Your ingot of human experience does not present you with information to spot patterns on that scale: it's like looking at the Sistine Chapel ceiling with one eye through a cardboard tube.” Ah, now we're really talking. It's not...
sistine chapel ceiling brain

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