Friday 11 February 2011


Nepal stopped providing documents to these refugees since 1989. Over the years, hundreds of Tibetan refugees have taken birth and grown up in Nepal without the right to travel, work and seek higher education due to lack of...

Portret of Nepali waiter,
Portret of Nepali waiter,


Nepal pic, Picture of Nepal,
Nepal pic, Picture of Nepal,

Nepal Flag
Nepal Flag

Map of Nepal
Map of Nepal

Language: Nepali
Language: Nepali

Global Health Hub is an aggregator of global health news and information.
Chief of Party, Health for Life, Nepal | Management Sciences for ...

Transportation Seminars in Nepal and Korea. I'll be giving a total of eight seminars in Nepal and Korea in the second part of April, 2012. The seminar series in Nepal is on. Transportation Planning: Practice and Problems...


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