libyan revolution 2011
On February 24th, 2011, photojournalist André Liohn arrived in Benghazi after having witnessed the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions and the Bahraini Uprising – and stayed in Libya, travelling across the country and...

to Libyan living standards

intervention in Libya.

The Libyan Revolution (AP

Is Libya ripe for revolution?

In Libya Revolution, nearly

Healing Libya's Revolution
Tunisia arrested Gaddafi's godson Abdul Salam in December 2011 near the Tunisian-Libyan border, and charged him for entering Tunisian territory illegally. Abdul Salam lawyer's Mohamed Baccar told Tunisia Live that Tunis' Court of Appeals... Abdul Salam is also wanted by INTERPOL, the international police organization, on suspicion of involvement in war crimes during the Libyan revolution. Abdul Salam is the second Libyan man detained in Tunisia after former...
Tunis' Court of Appeals Decides to Hand over Gaddafi's Godson to ...
Just like the other revolutionary countries – most notably Egypt but also Tunisia, Bahrain, Syria and others – Libya has seen an explosion in street art. Under Gaddafi, neither political opposition nor independent cultural...
libyan revolution 2011
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