Saturday, 8 January 2011

valley of the kings tombs

The West Bank has both tombs and temples and is home to some of Luxor's most talked-about sights, like the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. I'll be writing about the East Bank temples in a future post but will...

in the Valley of the Kings
in the Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings, tomb
Valley of the Kings, tomb

Tomb - Valley of The Kings
Tomb - Valley of The Kings

Speaking of kings, we headed
Speaking of kings, we headed

Layout of the tombs
Layout of the tombs

Exterior of the famous Tomb of
Exterior of the famous Tomb of

This brief article was written on 15th January when the discovery of Tomb KV64 in the Valley of the Kings was formally announced. Please refer to the Addendum of 18th January for the latest news, which also corrects some of...
Tomb K64 in the Valley of the Kings – The Story as it Broke

... Bank of the Nile River to visit the two colossal statues of Amenhotep III (Colossi of Memnon), and then visit the Valley of the Kings, where the magnificent tombs discovered, those tombs were carved deep into the desert rock,...
valley of the kings tombs

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