Monday 10 January 2011

canada flag

Danish warships and naval personnel visited the island several times from the mid-1980s to early 2000s to maintain a flag. In 2005, Canadian soldiers ventured to the island to erect a Canadian flag and to build an inukshuk in...

Waving Canada flag
Waving Canada flag

Very Big still Canada flag
Very Big still Canada flag

Canada flag | Canadian flag
Canada flag | Canadian flag

Canada flag in a heart I love
Canada flag in a heart I love

Canada Flag
Canada Flag

Canada Flag Mouseover To Zoom
Canada Flag Mouseover To Zoom

Jeremy I would like to request 2 name changes please: 1. Newfoundland to Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland only refers to the island not the province). 2. Yukon Territory to just Yukon (current usage standard).
Flag Counter Forum / Changes to Canada. - Boardhost Free Forums

Hey Canada, howzitgoin', eh? It's hard for me to say this, but I think we need to talk about your flag. You know, the one you have sewn onto your back-pack. And the one on your T-Shirt. And your hat. Ok, what I mean to say is...
canada flag


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