Thursday, 6 January 2011

british museum roof structure

15 still stand with 13 under what was originally part of a roof structure.... Too bad that the boat sank; he nearly went bankrupt fishing the marbles out of the water; and he had to sell them to The British Museum. So now the...

roof at the British Museum
roof at the British Museum

The Great Court at the British
The Great Court at the British

The Great Court at the British
The Great Court at the British

The British Museum
The British Museum

British Museum Roof
British Museum Roof

:S ( British Museum roof
:S ( British Museum roof

the british museum's Great Court opened in the year 200 and was designed by norman foster. which makes it amazing is that covered by a glass roof as much as 6100 sq. m.architect from chicago, harry a responsible design...
Unique Architecture: 10 Buildings With Ceiling Design The Cool

Arup were the engineers on this project and have worked on similar 'diagrid' structures for Fosters, eg the Gherkin, the British Museum roof and the Hearst building in New York. Angie: the architects will be pleased to hear you...
british museum roof structure

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