You would think that religious right leaders would be happy to see a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan flying a flag.... Don't respect a soldier for waving a gay flag, respect a soldier because he is willing to die to protect your rights.
afghanistan flag Royalty Free
The flag of Afghanistan,
Flag of Afghanistan Waving | Stock photo
Afghanistan Waving Flag Postcard by Vexillophile
Afghanistan Flag with Name in
Afghanistan Flag Royalty Free
While I'm all for waving the gay flag, I think there are implications about waving any flag, even the US flag, in a foreign country. Gay rights are human rights, yes, but we're there (in theory) to stabilize a country, not necessarily...
Military “Investigates” Gay Pride Flag Raising in Afghanistan, Surely ...
More than 6500 veteran suicides are logged every year — more than the total number of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined since those wars began.... I don't want an argument about the numbering scheme) when in fact they are sent to fight small wars of aggression that do not contribute materially to America's security, but boy, do they contribute to the profits of defense contractors and to the patriotic image of flag-waving candidates for high public office.
afghanistan flag waving
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