Wednesday, 15 December 2010

petrarchan sonnet

Italian or Petrarchan sonnets are divided into two main parts; an octave and sestet. Octave consists of eight lines rhyming abbaabba whereas sestet involves six lines rhyming either cdecde or cdccdc. Moreover, the rhyme...

of Petrarch's sonnets. 1.
of Petrarch's sonnets. 1.

of Petrarch's Sonnet Hor
of Petrarch's Sonnet Hor

of Petrarch's Sonnet 12.
of Petrarch's Sonnet 12.

Petrarchan Sonnet
Petrarchan Sonnet

Petrarchan Sonnet form),
Petrarchan Sonnet form),

Author Pages > Petrarch
Author Pages > Petrarch

Well done, I love the Petrarchan sonnet and have written two so far. Sonnets do not drip off my pen with ease but with hard work and time so they number only seven. You are very gifted in sonnetry. LPF, Olan. Log in to Reply...
21st Century Poets | Blog | Subscribed To...

This time, I tried my hand at a Petrarchan Sonnet. It consists of 14 lines with an ABBACDDC rhyme pattern for the first octave. The last 6 lines form a sestet which have some flexibility in rhyme scheme. A few of the variations...
petrarchan sonnet

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