Friday, 17 December 2010

ethiopian people images

Ethiopian Tribes, Suri. Ethiopia, tribes, Surma, Suri people. Warriors at a funeral ceremony in Koka. The traditional funeral ceremony is a memorial day in honor of a deceased relative. In this case the man died over a year ago...

the people of Ethiopia.
the people of Ethiopia.

ruling Ethiopian People's
ruling Ethiopian People's

Postcard East Ethiopian people
Postcard East Ethiopian people

Ethiopian people - traditional
Ethiopian people - traditional

Ethiopian People
Ethiopian People

Ethiopian People Photos
Ethiopian People Photos

Ethiopia, tribes, Surma, Suri people Warrior with Kalashnikov at a funeral ceremony in Koka. The traditional funeral ceremony... This photo was taken on January 7, 2012 in Southern Nations Nationalities and People's Region, ET. 108 views 0...
Ethiopian Tribes, Suri | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Ethiopia, tribes, Surma, Suri people Young boys seen in a school in Koka. Blog: Dietmar Temps, travel... This photo was invited and added to the Enfants de la terre - Children of the earth group. Want to format your comment?
ethiopian people images

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