Tuesday, 9 November 2010

teotihuacan pyramids

Teotihuacan, is just 30 miles (48 km) northeast of Mexico City, which makes it a perfect day trip destination for side trips from the country's capital. The main attraction are of course the pyramids, which are the largest structures...


teotihuacan pyramids
teotihuacan pyramids

The Teotihuacan pyramids
The Teotihuacan pyramids

The Pyramid of the Sun.
The Pyramid of the Sun.

The Pyramid of the Moon
The Pyramid of the Moon

Piramide del Sol — Pyramid of
Piramide del Sol — Pyramid of

Extract from a Documentary on Teotihuacan Giant Pyramids, filmed in Mexico. Title: Documentary on... Tags: city, documentary, giant, history, ibiscus, media, mexico, museum, pyramids, sculpture, teotihuacan, travel. Rating:...
Documentary on Teotihuacan Pyramids, Mexico – IbiscusMedia ...

Shanghai GP3 on Vredeborch Felica home dev. in Ilfotec-DDX 1+4, 10 mins 242028 242029 242030.
teotihuacan pyramids

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