Friday, 5 November 2010

san francisco bay bridge

Media: Multiple Massive Lightning Strikes Hit The San Francisco Bay Bridge.

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay
The San Francisco-Oakland Bay

San Francisco Bay Bridge.
San Francisco Bay Bridge.

San Francisco Bay Bridge
San Francisco Bay Bridge

San Francisco Bay Bridge
San Francisco Bay Bridge

Owned by San Francisco
Owned by San Francisco

Night photo of Bay Bridge
Night photo of Bay Bridge

Louis» is on a mission to show his readers that he CAN post photos of bridges other than the Golden Gate. This is the Dumbarton Bridge, the southern most of the four (including the Golden Gate) motor vehicle bridges over San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco Bay Daily Photo: Série du Pont de Dimanche CVIX

Here's an amazing image from Phil McGrew, which comes from 3 separate 20 second exposures, and captures 8 bolts of lightning hitting San Francisco's Bay Bridge at once.
san francisco bay bridge

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