Saturday, 6 November 2010

peruvian guinea pig

I never really minded that, because Guinea pigs weren't that cool anyway, and they sort of freaked me out. Despite the lack of love for Guinea Pigs in my childhood, I still was a little unsure of what to make of Peru's greatest...

Young Peruvian guinea pig,
Young Peruvian guinea pig,

White Peruvian Guinea Pig
White Peruvian Guinea Pig

Silkie Guinea Pig
Silkie Guinea Pig

Peruvian guinea pig - Antipolo
Peruvian guinea pig - Antipolo

Peruvian Guinea Pig
Peruvian Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig - Long Haired
Guinea Pig - Long Haired

Dirt floors, the smell of wood smoke and guinea pigs running underfoot could not distract us from the main attraction: along the back wall stood about a half-dozen large pots, each containing chicha at various points in the brewing process, one...
Finding Chicha: A Peruvian beer experience. | Philly Beer Scene

First of all, before this tale, an update. The Guitarist- repeat after me, “I wont give in and go up to Swindon” this seems to be working, of course he will never come to Bournemouth, it's too much of an effort, after all, if someone...
peruvian guinea pig

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