Friday, 19 November 2010

jerusalem artichoke soup

Alien Fetus or Vegetable: Jerusalem Artichoke Soup. Ah the sunchoke. What an adorable little thing. Well, when you get one that happens to look like this: Otherwise, they mostly just look like crippled alien fetuses.

Jerusalem artichoke soup
Jerusalem artichoke soup

Jerusalem artichoke soup
Jerusalem artichoke soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup
Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup
Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup Sip
Jerusalem Artichoke Soup Sip

Creamy Jerusalem Artichoke
Creamy Jerusalem Artichoke

1/2kg (1 lb) Jerusalem artichokes peeled and placed in water; 5dl (2¼ cups) milk; 5dl (2¼ cups) cream; 2 shallots, chopped finely; 1/2 garlic chopped finely; 1dl (½ cup) white wine; salt; pepper; vinegar; 200g (7 oz) bacon...
Jerusalem artichoke soup with bacon and chips

Jerusalem artichoke soup with Parmesan chips & hemp seed oil. I often get cooking ideas browsing the fruit and vege shops. As I was passing the Jerusalem artichokes, I got thinking their nuttiness would be great for a soup.
jerusalem artichoke soup

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