jerusalem artichoke soup
Alien Fetus or Vegetable: Jerusalem Artichoke Soup. Ah the sunchoke. What an adorable little thing. Well, when you get one that happens to look like this: Otherwise, they mostly just look like crippled alien fetuses.

Jerusalem artichoke soup

Jerusalem artichoke soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup Sip

Creamy Jerusalem Artichoke
1/2kg (1 lb) Jerusalem artichokes peeled and placed in water; 5dl (2¼ cups) milk; 5dl (2¼ cups) cream; 2 shallots, chopped finely; 1/2 garlic chopped finely; 1dl (½ cup) white wine; salt; pepper; vinegar; 200g (7 oz) bacon...
Jerusalem artichoke soup with bacon and chips
Jerusalem artichoke soup with Parmesan chips & hemp seed oil. I often get cooking ideas browsing the fruit and vege shops. As I was passing the Jerusalem artichokes, I got thinking their nuttiness would be great for a soup.
jerusalem artichoke soup
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