Thursday, 18 November 2010

istanbul bogazici university

ICAMES 2009 - The 15th International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students - Organized by ENSO, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey - From Ma.

in Boğaziçi University,
in Boğaziçi University,

from Istanbul's Boğaziçi
from Istanbul's Boğaziçi

at Istanbul Bogazici
at Istanbul Bogazici

Istanbul's Yeditepe, Bogazici
Istanbul's Yeditepe, Bogazici

Bosphorus university, istanbul
Bosphorus university, istanbul

Bogaziçi University
Bogaziçi University

I have been to many countries and I can surely say that you cannot find many cities that can match the grandeur of Istanbul. With its 12 million inhabitants, ultramodern vs ultra-historical venues Istanbul is a very lively city.
Erasmus at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey | Huseyin Demirtas

Istanbul itself is home to most of the teams, with three university clubs – Boğaziçi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, and Yeditepe – and two non-university teams, Turk Kası and Caddebostan. The highlight of the Turkish frisbee...
istanbul bogazici university

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