Sunday, 21 November 2010

cathedral mosque of cordoba spain

La Mezquita, Catedral de Córdoba es el monumento más importante de todo el Occidente islámico y uno de los más asombrosos del mundo. En su historia se resume la evolución completa del estilo omeya en España,...

Mosque-Cathedral, Cordoba,
Mosque-Cathedral, Cordoba,

Mezquita Cathedral, Córdoba
Mezquita Cathedral, Córdoba

Inside the Cordoba Cathedral
Inside the Cordoba Cathedral

Cathedral-Mosque (Córdoba,
Cathedral-Mosque (Córdoba,

Cathedral of Cordoba Spain
Cathedral of Cordoba Spain

Cathedral - Mosque of Cordoba, Spain. Here is a brief description from
Cathedral - Mosque of Cordoba, Spain. Here is a brief description from

Church vs Mosque: Read the story and see 5 photos of a visit to Córdoba, Spain by TravelPod member farnie10.
Church vs Mosque - Córdoba, Spain Travel Blog

Is this an M.C. Escher drawing or a real place? Oh, it is real. I visited the Mezquita or Grand Cathedral and former mosque of Cordoba a few years ago during.
cathedral mosque of cordoba spain

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