Saturday 2 October 2010

jerusalem city

But then, just prior to a meeting between Obama and Netanyahu at the White House, the Jerusalem city government approved the destruction of the hotel and construction of the new settlement. Israel had already been...

Old Jerusalem City
Old Jerusalem City

Jerusalem: The Holy City
Jerusalem: The Holy City

Jerusalem: City Today
Jerusalem: City Today

Jerusalem City Hall - Safra
Jerusalem City Hall - Safra

City of David
City of David

28 June: Jerusalem Re-unified:
28 June: Jerusalem Re-unified:

Virtually all structures in the old city are built from Jerusalem stone, a local limestone that reflects a soft shade of gold in the late afternoon's light. Our first tour of the day was the 20th Century Church of All Nations, adjacent to...
In Jerusalem, the spiritual and the physical can be overwhelming ...

The whole of the old-walled City of Jerusalem with the Holy Sepulchre, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, Bethlehem with the Church of the Nativity, Jericho and the Jordan and Bethany were all in Arab territory,...
jerusalem city


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