Friday 3 September 2010

agrarian reform

The social demands were summarized in 19 points, which included opposition to the extension of the oil frontier, defense of the ITT, agrarian reform, respect for labor rights, rejection of the signature of the free trade...

on Agrarian Reform
on Agrarian Reform

Department of Agrarian Reform
Department of Agrarian Reform

Agrarian Reform
Agrarian Reform

Agrarian Reform and the Cuban
Agrarian Reform and the Cuban

Agrarian Reform Program
Agrarian Reform Program

Agrarian Reform Beneficiary
Agrarian Reform Beneficiary

The proposal will allow us to clearly cover land whose landowners have been sent notices of land coverage before the CARPER (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms) ends in June 2014,”...
Philippines news: Agrarian reform law changes may be needed ...

That day, 1500 women and men organized in the MST occupied and blocked the BR-150 highway inEldo- ado dos Carajás, with the intention to pressure the state and federal governments for agrarianreform. At about 4pm...
agrarian reform


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