Saturday, 28 August 2010

versailles band kamijo

i love versailles :D D but i wonder why did kamijo rise that middle finger O.o i mean, if he was a noble vampire he should respect his fans more unless he didn't mean something offensive… i really wish to know why he did that ;-; maybe it means something else in japanese xD. alessa0392 Says: March 11... @JeannyLuo Ive been to shows where the band calls the fans “fucking assholes” its in the spirit of the shows so I'd hardly be offended by it lol. no1q2w3e Says:...

kamijo_0912.jpg Kamijo
kamijo_0912. Kamijo

Versailles signed a contract
Versailles signed a contract

Tags: (band), Kamijo
Tags: (band), Kamijo

Name: Kamijo Band: Versailles
Name: Kamijo Band: Versailles


KAMIJO - singer - jrock
KAMIJO - singer - jrock

Versailles is now a well established band in the visual kei movement (although I'd prefer to classify them as neoclassical/power metal); after their incredibly successful world tour in support of.... marked, at the expanse of those small sorties into harder subgenres of metal that in the preceding releases spiced up some songs improving the album variability, here almost completely absent (it's probably not a coincidence that Teru's songwriting contribution is limited to only one song here).
Versailles - Holy Grail Review

Visual Kei rock band Versailles announced the release of two new songs The singles are to be released on April 25th. "Rhapsody of the Darkness" which the lyrics were written by vocalist KAMIJO and the song was written by guitarist HIZAKI is...
versailles band kamijo

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