Friday 20 August 2010

lisbon earthquake 1755 voltaire

But earthquakes must destroy the human race?” “Lisbon Earthquake Poem” (1755) by Voltaire. November 1, 1755 was to be a sunny autumn day in the city of Lisbon, one of the most important and richest seaports of Europe...

The Great Lisbon Earthquake,
The Great Lisbon Earthquake,

Lisbon earthquake of 1755,
Lisbon earthquake of 1755,

Lisbon earthquake of 1755
Lisbon earthquake of 1755

Lisbon earthquake 1755
Lisbon earthquake 1755

Lisbon during the 1755
Lisbon during the 1755

It's said that the Lisbon
It's said that the Lisbon

Voltaire wrote this novella mocking Leibnitz's ideas because he believed, with some justification, that current events like the Seven Years War (1756-1763) and the Great Lisbon Earthquake (1755) showed that we certainly did...
Philosophy, literature, religion, and geology (Part I) ~ Hudson Valley ...

9 Comments to “The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake”. Ronald Dunning says: 03/25/2011 at 11:44 AM. I dimly recall from my teenage readings of Voltaire that it was the cruel timing of the Lisbon earthquake that convinced him that God is not...
lisbon earthquake 1755 voltaire


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