Sunday, 4 July 2010

vienna austria opera house

The tour will be making a stop at the famous Vienna State Opera House in Vienna, Austria on July 3rd. This is Joe's second DVD shoot in less than a year. I hope this DVD like the majority of the others is released on CD.

Vienna Opera House, Vienna,
Vienna Opera House, Vienna,

Vienna Opera House (Source:
Vienna Opera House (Source:

Stock image of 'Opera house
Stock image of 'Opera house

Stock image of 'Opera house
Stock image of 'Opera house

State Opera House, Vienna,
State Opera House, Vienna,

State Opera House hallway,
State Opera House hallway,

What magic does the word “Vienna” conjure up in your mind? Sweet, meltingly rich Schokoladen? Wiener Schnitzel? Wagnerian Operas? n.... interesting name of Kartoffelpuffer! Late fall luxury travel in Austria demands a visit to the Christmas markets.... was invented! The hotel has a spectacular location close to shopping, opposite the opera house, and a short walk from St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Hofburg Imperial Palace, and many more luxury travel destinations.
Luxury Travel Austria – Vienna | | Luxury ...

This is a shopping center and the streets, stretching from the town square in front of the cathedral Stephansdom Stephenplatz, united with the Ringstrasse near the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna Opera House), passing the famous Hotel Sacher...
vienna austria opera house

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