Thursday, 8 July 2010

egyptian symbols ankh

The motif intrigued me--I had known that the ankh was an Egyptian symbol, though I didn't know its meaning, and so I was surprised to see it on the cover of a nominally Christian book. Or maybe I'd already known what the...

ankh eternal life egyptian
ankh eternal life egyptian

Egyptian Symbols Hieroglyphs
Egyptian Symbols Hieroglyphs

Egyptian Symbols Ankh
Egyptian Symbols Ankh

Egyptian Symbol of Fertility
Egyptian Symbol of Fertility

Ankh: Egyptian Symbol of Life
Ankh: Egyptian Symbol of Life

Ankh- The Ancient Egyptian
Ankh- The Ancient Egyptian

He has also added uraei with pendent 'life' signs (ankh) to the 'horizon' hieroglyph, thus signifying that the rising sun is bringing life to Upper and Lower Egypt. Apart from the symbol the sun-god's gold barque bears two uraei,...
Necklace of the Sun of Tutankhamun | EGY-KING

This union between sun and earth as conveyed in the ankh symbol was profound for the ancient Egyptians where this symbol originated. The sun provided vital growth and abundance. With the combination of the sun and the...
egyptian symbols ankh

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