Saturday, 5 June 2010

what does the saudi arabian flag represent

We have not heard as much of it in recent days, so I wanted to ask you again: Does Saudi Arabia still support the idea of arming the opposition? And how do you guarantee that those weapons will not get into... Second, getting the humanitarian assistance to those in need. Third, we have to continue working to strengthen the opposition's unity and democratic vision so that it can represent an alternative to the Assad regime and participate fully in a transition process.

“The flags represent Saudi
“The flags represent Saudi

a Saudi Arabian flag.
a Saudi Arabian flag.

Whether Saudi Arabia is really
Whether Saudi Arabia is really

What do countries as
What do countries as

This is Saudi Arabia's flag.
This is Saudi Arabia's flag.

Saudi Arabia Flag speckcase
Saudi Arabia Flag speckcase

Taliban flags on Pak side of the border with Afghanistan. Taliban suicide squad attacked a... “People who grew up within the war on terror are asking, what does it mean to be a Nato ally? Is India our worst enemy? We are... Amna, a 21-year-old business student whose father was a manager for a major firm in Saudi Arabia, said that it was wrong to think that women who were richer or more educated would inevitably be more secular. “Everything we learn comes from...
New wave of well-off Pakistani women drawn to conservative Islam ...

You white supremacists only like Allen West because he hates his own black race you love to see a black man hate against his own black people Allen West defends the Confederate Flag and he worships Rush Limbaugh more... america and the uk did not get security counsel approval nor did they have sufficient evidence for war..what they did have were saudi suspects so why didnt they war with saudi arabia? concerning the suffering and death of americans?
what does the saudi arabian flag represent

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