Sunday, 13 June 2010

buenos aires tetra size

I keep my convicts in pairs, tanks with only female/male since they breed so fast. Also, sometimes a female convict (since males are more territorial) with a fire-mouth or Jack-Dempsey of the same size.... up with only one type of cichlid in the end, despite your best efforts. The best mixes for these fish would be a single species of cichlid, matched with a larger, boisterous schooling fish, like Buenos Aires tetras, tiger barbs, giant danios, Hampala sharks, rainbowfish, etc. Thomas asks…

Buenos Aires Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra 2
Buenos Aires Tetra 2

Buenos Aires Tetra 1
Buenos Aires Tetra 1

Albino Buenos Aires Tetra
Albino Buenos Aires Tetra

Albino Buenos Aires Tetra
Albino Buenos Aires Tetra

... stand up to them. Salvini are relatively easygoing cichlids that would do better in more of a community tank setting with medium-sized fish like mollies, red-eyed tetras, buenos aires tetras, gouramis, and other similar sized fish. Daniel asks…
Your Questions About Keeping Cichlids |

Bloodfin or Rummy-nose Tetras school very nicely. Cardinal Tetras is a very common fish for large groups in a tank your size. I have 60 in .... Anubias Congensis, Anacharis, Wisteria. 80w T12, 34w T8. 13 Buenos Aires Tetra. 2 Indian Glass Fish. 3 Albino Corys. 3 Oto Cats. Red Cherry and Ghost Shrimp. Nerites and MTS. 20 gallon long RCS only tank. Beaslbob with Naja Grass, Anacharis, Crypts, Micro Swords. Kev1jm2 is offline, Send A Private Message To Kev1jm2...
buenos aires tetra size

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