I keep my convicts in pairs, tanks with only female/male since they breed so fast. Also, sometimes a female convict (since males are more territorial) with a fire-mouth or Jack-Dempsey of the same size.... up with only one type of cichlid in the end, despite your best efforts. The best mixes for these fish would be a single species of cichlid, matched with a larger, boisterous schooling fish, like Buenos Aires tetras, tiger barbs, giant danios, Hampala sharks, rainbowfish, etc. Thomas asks…
Buenos Aires Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra 2
Buenos Aires Tetra 1
Albino Buenos Aires Tetra
Albino Buenos Aires Tetra
... stand up to them. Salvini are relatively easygoing cichlids that would do better in more of a community tank setting with medium-sized fish like mollies, red-eyed tetras, buenos aires tetras, gouramis, and other similar sized fish. Daniel asks…
Your Questions About Keeping Cichlids |
Bloodfin or Rummy-nose Tetras school very nicely. Cardinal Tetras is a very common fish for large groups in a tank your size. I have 60 in .... Anubias Congensis, Anacharis, Wisteria. 80w T12, 34w T8. 13 Buenos Aires Tetra. 2 Indian Glass Fish. 3 Albino Corys. 3 Oto Cats. Red Cherry and Ghost Shrimp. Nerites and MTS. 20 gallon long RCS only tank. Beaslbob with Naja Grass, Anacharis, Crypts, Micro Swords. Kev1jm2 is offline, Send A Private Message To Kev1jm2...
buenos aires tetra size
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