Friday, 18 June 2010

british museum library

The Life of Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B. Late Principal Librarian of the British Museum, I am old enough to remember the British Museum when it had books. (Of course, it still has books, but not in quite the same way…)...

the British Museum Library
the British Museum Library

of the British Museum was
of the British Museum was

The British Museum has to cope
The British Museum has to cope

Library, British Museum.jpg
Library, British Museum.

British Museum - England -
British Museum - England -

05- British Museum Library,
05- British Museum Library,

We are stopping London for two days to visit the British Museum and the Tate Modern. We have not... Sort of. At one point the British Library was part of the British Library but the BL became it's own organisation in the 1970s.
British Museum | Europe Forum | Fodor's Travel Talk Forums

Parliament ultimately accepted the offer, but combined Sloane's collection with the Cottonian, Harleian and Royal libraries to create one institution in London, to be named the British Museum. So, rather than considering...
british museum library

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