Saturday, 5 June 2010

atlanta skyline outline

This is quite wonderful! Loving the colors and buildings silhouetted against those colors of the sky .. Atlanta never looked so good! Walt K (53 months ago | reply). The color, composition, and balance of this silhouette are so perfect -- an outstanding capture, Doug!!! This shot along with yours taken a half hour later are such a great pair of... not just landscapes!, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group. One of the best Atlanta skyline shots I have ever seen.

flag with Atlanta skyline
flag with Atlanta skyline

Serving Atlanta for Over 30
Serving Atlanta for Over 30

Laser outline of Atlanta skyline. The show included tributes to the
Laser outline of Atlanta skyline. The show included tributes to the

Atlanta Skyline
Atlanta Skyline

Atlanta Skyline Silhouette
Atlanta Skyline Silhouette

A City Skyline Silhouette
A City Skyline Silhouette

Atlanta skyline (flickr). Census data from last year showed more African-Americans from Northern metropolitan areas like New York and Chicago are moving to Southern cities like Atlanta and Kansas City. It's what's known as...
Southern Cities Become Less Segregated - The Takeaway

18 Responses to “Atlanta, Georgia”. Jacob Says: November 25th, 2007 at 9:05 pm. YEAH I LIKE THESE MY HOMETOWN! YOU GOTT LOT OF GOOD ANGELS FROM CENTINTIAL PARK THE OLYMPICS PARK,TURNER...
atlanta skyline outline

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