Saturday, 1 May 2010

munich putsch cartoon

As I watch the Wall Street protest thugs play out their anarchy I am once again reminded of the 1923 Hitler Beer Hall Putsch. This is all part of a grand diversion away from Obama's failed economic policies and radical advisers...

the Beer Hall Putsch trial
the Beer Hall Putsch trial

The Beer Hall Putsch (also known as the Munich Putsch, German: Hitlerputsch
The Beer Hall Putsch (also known as the Munich Putsch, German: Hitlerputsch

Munich Beer Hall Putsch
Munich Beer Hall Putsch

Kladderadatsch (1919)
Kladderadatsch (1919)


Adolf Hitler cartoon: Calvin
Adolf Hitler cartoon: Calvin

At the Marienplatz the Nazi column encountered a large crowd which was listening to an exhortation of Julius Streicher, the Jew-baiter from Nuremberg, who had rushed to Munich at the first news of the putsch. Not wishing to be left out of the...
Traces of Evil: Sites around Munich (3)

One such attempt, the Beer Hall Putsch “uprising” of 1923 took place in a Munich beer hall, hence the name, when a group of conspirators kidnapped leading city politicians who were holding a public meeting in the beer hall. The conspirators' plan was to seize the politicians, force .... David Lowe cartoon satirizing the Night of the Long Knives: Hitler holds smoking gun as the Storm Troopers surrender to their fate. Behind him, monkey-like is Göbbels; at Hitler's side...
munich putsch cartoon

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