Sunday, 18 April 2010

taipei 101 pendulum

The most amazing part of the Taipei 101 is the enormous tuned mass damper - a 600 odd tonne ball of steel that swings as a pendulum to counteract shifts of the building caused by winds and tropical storms/typhoons. I'd love...

taipei 101 in taiwan. the
taipei 101 in taiwan. the

taipei 101 in taiwan. the
taipei 101 in taiwan. the

damper in Taipei 101,
damper in Taipei 101,

Taipei. 101. Ten one. Pendulum
Taipei. 101. Ten one. Pendulum

Taipei 101, Taiwan
Taipei 101, Taiwan

"""Taipei 101 (traditional

Some cool beauty tips for girls images: Art and Security // Form and Sensibility // Creation and Beauty // The TAIPEI 101 : STEEL PENDULUM : TUNED MASS DAMPER : 88th to the 92nd Floors // Taipei, Taiwan // Enjoy...
Art and Security // Form and Sensibility // Creation and Beauty // The ...

target="_blank">Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taiwan, the. pendulum is suspended from the 92nd floor, and weighs a. staggering 660 tons! In 2008, the pendulum worked well to. cancel out earthquake forces, as seen in this video...
taipei 101 pendulum

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