Tuesday 20 April 2010

life expectancy of saudi arabia people

U.S. life span shorter. August 11, 2007 05:08:02 PM PST Americans are living longer than ever, but not as long as people in 41 other countries. For decades, the United States has been slipping in international rankings of life expectancy, as other countries improve health care, nutrition and lifestyles. Countries that surpass the U.S. include Japan and... It was 13.7 for Black Americans, the same as Saudi Arabia. "It really reflects the social conditions in which African...

life expectancy.
life expectancy. "Old people"


Life expectancy at birth in
Life expectancy at birth in

Life expectancy (1995-2000):
Life expectancy (1995-2000):

Flag of Saudi Arabia : Click
Flag of Saudi Arabia : Click

Average life expectancy in
Average life expectancy in

The majority of the population is under 5 years old, which shows how low the life expectancy half of the population dies before they reach 30. The population is however split quite evenly between female and male... Saudi Arabia's population pyramid shows a larger amount of male people live their, which can be expected considering the intensity of religion there and how it effects how women live. There is also not a very high birth rate and majority of the population is...
Population Pyramids « Jemima Cooper's Blog

Ethics and morality are explored in three very different novels that span place and time, from 16th-century London to a southern plantation on the verge of the Civil War to contemporary Saudi Arabia. The Ruins... In The Ruins of Us, Keija Parssinen brings to life the begrudgingly modernizing, still obscure world of Saudi Arabia, where she spent her girlhood as a third-generation expatriate. The story of... As she points out, “If you want to destroy a people, destroy their story. If you want...
life expectancy of saudi arabia people


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