Saturday 24 April 2010

libyan revolution

Weapons plundered during the Libyan revolution are making their way to Somalia. Somali pirates have acquired sophisticated weaponry, including mines and shoulder-held missile launchers from Libya, and are likely to use...

revolution in Libya
revolution in Libya

of the Libyan Revolution.
of the Libyan Revolution.

of Libyan Revolution,
of Libyan Revolution,

intervention in Libya.
intervention in Libya.

Libyan revolution erupts
Libyan revolution erupts

Libya's revolutionaries.
Libya's revolutionaries.

Libyan Revolution Update: Enjoying "Freedom". Or, a look into Syria's potential future after UN/NATO operations. by Tony Cartalucci March 4, 2012 - Here we see Libyans enjoying their NATO-granted "freedom" - putting black...
Land Destroyer: Libyan Revolution Update: Enjoying "Freedom"

Children, possibly sub-Saharan immigrants, walk the streets of Tripoli. The graffiti on the wall refers to the February 17 armed militia. Graffiti references to armed militias have made some people call for all graffiti to be removed...
libyan revolution


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