And a Chappie is a sweet we get here that has interesting facts (Did You Know?) printed on the inside of the wrapper. That'll all make sense in a minute ... Tallen (4) is enjoying his... no response, but the wrapper appears through the gap and I read him the three intresting facts about the Sahara desert printed on it. "Are you okay?" "Mummy, I changed my mind I wanna go with" I can hear the hysteria coming back .... Music in the House. Disco Mix; Oasis; Hubby mixing...
tunisian desert oasis
the Sahara desert has been
sahara desert oasis,
into the Sahara Desert.
Sahara Desert: Location
Image courtesy Sahara Forest
Off to the oasis at Terjit. The route led us through desert canyons filled with signature Sahara orange and rock formations that I presume would make a budding geologist as giddy as a school girl. Come to think of it I would...
Adventure Travel - The Sojourner: The Road to Terjit (Adrar Region ...
Based on emotional appeals at the expense of reason, political correctness mandates that inconvenient truths or facts be swept under the carpet. Or else. Free speech, guaranteed to all... It is an oasis of goodness in a desert of cynicism and barbarism. This country, once an experiment unique in the .... --Jay Leno; **If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand. -- Milton Friedman; **Since torture doesn't work...
sahara desert oasis facts
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