Tuesday, 16 March 2010

female lithuania hetalia

Series: Hetalia- Axis Powers Characters: Vietnam (France, Thailand), Belgium (Spain, Germany), Ukraine (Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland), Liechtenstein (Prussia), Belarus (Russia, Lithuania), Taiwan...


Lithuania is one of three
Lithuania is one of three

Lithuania admitted with pastel
Lithuania admitted with pastel

Lithuania Edit
Lithuania Edit

Lithuania :: Hetalia
Lithuania :: Hetalia

Hometown: Vilnius, Lithuania
Hometown: Vilnius, Lithuania

A description of tropes appearing in Axis Powers Hetalia.... When Lithuania professes to hate Poland, Poland tells him that he doesn't care, and "it doesn't, like, change the fact that I like you". Not entirely platonic, mind you - the expression Poland uses in the Japanese version could just as ..... Old concept art for Gakuen was thought to include female African nations, though they only turned out to be models for the African class uniforms. A female Kenya does appear in the demo, but...
Axis Powers Hetalia - Television Tropes & Idioms

While on that subject, I'm sure most Hetalia watchers are aware of the male character's gay tendencies. This really only serves to draw in mostly girls, but it is drawing in viewers, and most of the yaoi/shonen-ai aspects are cleverly hidden so...
female lithuania hetalia

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