Saturday, 6 March 2010

british museum roof structure

Figure 1 - Sketch from British Museum of Woman Giving Birth. The mundane... With an ephemeral construction, and sited on the roof of dwellings which themselves do not typically survive, there are no preserved examples.

roof at the British Museum
roof at the British Museum

The amazing roof structure of
The amazing roof structure of

The Great Court at the British
The Great Court at the British

The Great Court at the British
The Great Court at the British

The British Museum
The British Museum

:S ( British Museum roof
:S ( British Museum roof

Arup were the engineers on this project and have worked on similar 'diagrid' structures for Fosters, eg the Gherkin, the British Museum roof and the Hearst building in New York. Angie: the architects will be pleased to hear you...
Fresh eyes on London: Kings Cross Concourse Opens

The architects have create a roof that will become as iconic as the British Museum. A treat for the 45 million annual... From today's image and the previous one, I am in love with the structure. It probably will become iconic.
british museum roof structure

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