Libya — Revolution and Aftermath (2011). 02:02 م محــ الاسكندرانى ــمد. Libya, an oil-rich nation in North Africa, spent more than 40 years under the erratic leadership of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi before a revolt pushed him from power in August...
revolutions in Libya,
aftermath of the Libyan
The conflict in Libya put a
The aftermath of the Libyan
Revolution in Libya—The
Limbo as Libyan Revolution
Likewise, I will call out those 'left' anti-interventionists that are now promoting counter-revolution in Libya because for years they harbored certain western 'left' mis-conceptions about Mummar Qaddafi. full article... Note that Greenwald does not take a side in support of Qaddafi–he (rightly) views his role as a critic of American foreign policy, which in this case was, and continues to be, tremendously destructive in both its legal and material effects. Comment by JC...
On Libya & Glenn Greenwald: Are the anti-interventionists becoming ...
When the UK and other countries decided to protect the Libyan rebels and assist their revolution a year ago, the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and other leaders promised that the lessons of Iraq would be learned; and that...
libyan revolution aftermath
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