Sunday, 14 February 2010

libya map africa

A billion dollar a year industry. Mainly African migrants transported first to Lampedusa, Malta & Italy.People payed $3 to $4 thousand dollars a piece generating millions of dollars a day. Also liquir & drugs smuggled into Libya...

◄Africa Maps. Libya map
◄Africa Maps. Libya map

Map of Libya
Map of Libya

Map of Libya
Map of Libya

Libya - Population
Libya - Population


He is now putting us in Africa
He is now putting us in Africa

So what we did was to pick a single region on the campaign map - Libya - and ran a 4vs1 battle with Patrik playing both US Airborne and Colonial forces against 4x 750 pts Axis armies. The Axis ran a Panzer company (me,...
Anatoli's Game Room: North Africa campaign turn 3 - Libyan front

Somali pirates have acquired sophisticated weaponry, including mines and shoulder-held missile launchers from Libya, and are likely to use them in bolder attacks on shipping, a senior maritime security analyst said on Thursday.... for illegal gun smugglers, and Somali pirates are among those buying from sellers in Sierra Leone, Liberia and other countries," said Judith van der Merwe, of the Algiers-based African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism.
libya map africa

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