It was cold and damp this morning but as we drove from the Tuscany region north to the Sienna and Veneto regions the clouds parted and it turned into a beautiful spring day as we visited the leaning tower of Pisa (and yes, we got a goofy picture or two) and made our way to the romantic city of Verona. While we were in Verona for only a short time,... both tend to want to respond in Greek. We haven't quite figured out why but it is funny that we are both doing it. Ciao!
the leaning tower of pisa
the Leaning Tower of Pisa
the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Ooh is that a Leaning Tower of
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Miniskirt of Pisa,
They make some funny noises these dear. They roar like lions and can honk like a bus! Not enough time to get it on camera, but took me out of... horse trail after all, and it's the first time I have really come across them since leaving Healesville. I stopped for a chat and a pat of the horses, that's about as much as I can do with them, they scare the hell out of me and horse riding, to me, is like an extreme sport, to go out riding is like base jumping the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Day 20..........Picture Perfect - Run BNT.......5330km on Australia's ...
No doubt you'll have seen pictures of people pushing the leaning tower of pisa with their hands or holding one of their friends in the palm of their hands. These are forced perspective pictures,ray ban sunglasses, and add a great sense of fun and humour to any subject matter you're trying to photograph. So toy around with different variations on this trick to get some funny pictures. Do you remember when you first picked up a camera? Whether it was film or digital,men...
leaning tower of pisa pictures funny
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