Saturday, 2 January 2010

pompeii bodies

Abbey Road: Pompeii-style. The famous preserved bodies. Heat rather than ash suffocation is thought to have been the main cause of death. Studies have shown that exposure to at least 250 °C hot surges at a distance of 10...

that these bodies make up
that these bodies make up

Pompeii has intrigued us ever
Pompeii has intrigued us ever

Pompeii bodies cast in Plaster
Pompeii bodies cast in Plaster

Plaster Cast-Pompeii
Plaster Cast-Pompeii

Explaining the Pompeii bodies
Explaining the Pompeii bodies

Casts of Bodies at Pompeii
Casts of Bodies at Pompeii

Pompeii. Today is a lovely day trip out to Napoli and then Pompeii. Through some pre-arranged discussion the previous night, my roommate Isaak and I decided to go together to visit the magical town that was unique in that it...
Y-Davetravels » Blog Archive » Pompeii…Bodies, let's see the bodies!

Here, as in Pompeii, we found the bodies as they were at the moment of their death... Some of the men were found in sitting positions on a bench, others lying down. One was projected down a flight of wooden stairs and was...
pompeii bodies

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