Friday 8 January 2010

luxord chibi

Saix; Xalden; Lexeious (Pick this one!!! I'll give u a cookie! :P); Demyx (WAIT! Before you do anything rash, go look up his chibi pics! Plz?!?!) Zexion; Luxord; Axel; Larxene; Vexen; Marluxia; Roxas; All of them. Get the fxk out... NOW!!! None of...


Luxord Chibi by ~suu-san on deviantART
Luxord Chibi by ~suu-san on deviantART

Luxord Chibi by *MentalNecrosis on deviantART
Luxord Chibi by *MentalNecrosis on deviantART

Luxord Chibi by #Organization on deviantART
Luxord Chibi by #Organization on deviantART

Chibi Luxord
Chibi Luxord

Chibi Luxord II
Chibi Luxord II

Luxord: Perhaps until you achieve permanent chibi status. Larxene: *maliciously* Or loli-shota. Demyx: *horror*. The male she had previously been throwing her weapons at beamed at the news. Luxord: What news?
heartless_fics: Traveling to Traverse Town: exactly what it says on ...

... who wants to get involved is a good artist, it would be fun to decorate parts of the calendar with organisation chibis commenting on what's going on (my main thought is to have a chibi Roxas constantly complaining about never being seme)... 3 - Xemnas/Xaldin 4 - Xemnas/Vexen 5 - Xemnas/Lexaeus 6 - Xemnas/Zexion 7 - Xemnas/Saix 8 - Xemnas/Axel 9 - Xemnas/Demyx 10 - Xemnas/Luxord 11 - Xemnas/Marluxia 12 - Xemnas/Larxene 13 - Xemnas/Roxas...
luxord chibi


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